Monday, March 20, 2006

March Madness

The past few weeks have been fantastic. Last weekend I met up with Aaron (Coleman), his girlfriend Neety and also Breanne (O’Leary) and her boyfriend Rob. We went to an all-you-can-eat place, it was good times. All the grilled assorted meat and beer that you want, could there be a better place?

Later on we headed to a bar and an awesome, random thing happened. I was standing there and a girl that looked kinda familiar looks at me and says “Dozie?”. It was Caroline (Neate) an old friend from my first year in Toronto at U of T that I had lost contact with. It was very surreal. I’m still not over how small the world is, but I’m grateful that it is.

I’ve been having a wonderful time meeting people. Everyone is an English teacher and out to relax and have a good time, so it’s been pretty easy meeting people. I’ve started to hang out with a group of British guys. They are a fun bunch to go out with. They have a roast every Sunday followed by board games; it’s the only ‘real’ food I eat besides eating at restaurants.

The regular school year has started at my school so I’ve gone from teaching from 3-6pm in February to teaching 9am-6pm. The first week was exhausting, but now it doesn’t seem that long. I’ve just started going to bed a couple hours earlier than my norm. Amazing how more sleep makes you less tired…..

I decided to pass on dance classes this month after feeling drained the first week of March. Korean class is going alright. I’ve learned a few phrases, but not too much since I’m a slacker who doesn’t finish his homework.

That’s about it. Things are going smashingly and I smile everyday. Life is good.