Monday, October 09, 2006

Todd's Birthday At Phillies - October 2, 2006

On Tuesday October 3rd it was the birthday of Todd the owner of a bar, Phillies, that we frequent alot. There was free beer and food, good music and good friends.

As you can see from these pictures I shaved my head. It was that time again. The last time I touched it was June or July of last year, so I was a bit tired of the huge mop I had for so long. Although the general consensus is that I should have left it. Whatever, I'll do it up somehow.

Hanbok Day - October 2, 2006

On Monday, October 2nd we had Hanbok Day at school. The Hanbok is the traditional Korean dress. I borrowed one from the father of my co-teacher Jenny. We played traditional games all day long like pig wrestling, the Korean version of hacky sack, we made rice cakes etc. It was a relaxing day that the kids enjoyed tremendously.

By the by, I'm featured on the PSA web site. Check out and my mug should come up during the flash intro to the site (the third shot). Mike is also in the intro.

Incheon Weekend (Part 2) - Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 2006

On the weekend of September 30th, Mike, Amara, Pete, Chris, Rachel and I headed to Incheon for a getaway from the city. Incheon is the island where the International airport is located.

It was a fun time. We basically eat, drank and played on the beach - volleyball, fourwheeling, badminton etc... Pete, Chris and Mike ate live octopus but I was not having any of that. Maybe I will......never.