Sunday, January 15, 2006

Seoul - Week 1

Welcome to my page. Instead of doing the mass email thing (since no one really reads them anyway) I'll just post pictures and tell everyone about what I'm doing here. It's a huge time saver.

So here goes.....

I arrived at Incheon airport in Seoul January 3rd and was picked up by the assistant director of my school [YBM-PSA (pre-school academy)]...who barely spoke in I had no idea what he said to me. Needless to say it was an interesting hour long drive to my appartment as he spoke to me in Korean.

My place is semi-furnished with 2 rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. The bathroom is a shower room so there is no tub but instead there is a drain on the floor.

I went to the school in the morning and talked with the director about my responsiblities, got my books and met the rest of the staff. There are 5 other foreign teachers, one is a Canadian couple and they invited us new teachers for dinner at their place.

I flew with the other 2 new teachers (Heather and Mike) to Osaka, Japan to get work visas. We spent the night and filled our time trying to find the visa office and our hostel, we ate at a hibachi place, went bowling for a bit and just walked around.

Friday the 6th was our first day teaching. It was kinda overwelming as we were not too prepared but the kids were relatively behaved so it was alright.

That night we went to a Korean book-it club. The premise is that the guys asked the waiters to bring over girls that they see sitting at other tables. So it was hilarious watching girls get dragged from table to table all night long.

The rest of the weekend, I basically did some major sleeping!


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