Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Birthday Week - The Bar - September 22, 2006

Since all our birthdays landed on weekdays, we headed out on Friday night to dance off the calories from the zillion cakes we had consumed that week. We went to The Bar in Sinchon. It was good fun and I almost did some bulldozing......I'll get 'em next time!

Birthday Week - Mike- September 21, 2006

The last birthday of the week was Mike's which was on Thursday, September 21. We met up at [surprise] Phillies! We all got Mike an external hard drive so he doesn't have to always delete movies and shows on his computer after watching them. There was a cake for him as well which was a bit funny because Mike doesn't like cake.

Birthday Week - Trish - September 20, 2006

My birthday was on Monday and Trish, A fellow teacher at my school, had her birthday on Wednesday September 20. We met up at Phillies for some drinks and good times.

Birthday Week - Mine - September 18, 2006

Before I mention my birthday I need to explain why it's been such a long time since I posted something on here. There's forever the fact that I procrastinated but also, I got robbed.

I got home a few weeks ago and my doorknob came off when I opened it. I initially thought "Geez, why is my appartment falling apart?", but as soon as I went inside I saw that my laptop was gone. They took the laptop, my digital camera, about 100 bucks I had lying around, my unopened liquor bottles and (almost) most annoying of all... the bowl I put my change in. Who the heck steals change?

I called the police and they came over, but I knew my stuff was gone for good. Anyhoo, enough of the down side of things and on to my birthday!

It was great. Some students brought in food and cake, and I brought some ice cream for the kids. At night I was "surprised" at my favorite chicken place by a crew of friends. They all chipped in and bought me a spanking new (better than my old one) digital camera! I was floored. It was so unexpected and awesome! Thanks guys.

Koh Samet , Thailand - July 27-28, 2006

I caught a ferry to the next island on my trip, Koh Samet. I found a hostel right away and headed to the beach. After a meal I got a Thai massage right on the beach. It was so relaxing to listening to soft crashing waves and music echoing mildly from surrounding restaurants and bars. I met two Australians at a beach bar. There were fire dancers. It was cool! We ended the night at another place...sipping on children's sand buckets filled with vodka, Coke and Red Bull.

I spent the next day on the beach. I chose a random place to eat and I stayed in the same seat just doing nothing for hours except eat and drink. I dropped my camera in the sand then it would not open so I had to take pictures with a disposable camera. The following day I returned to Bangkok to catch my flight back to Korea. All in all it was a marvelous experience.