Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Koh Samet , Thailand - July 27-28, 2006

I caught a ferry to the next island on my trip, Koh Samet. I found a hostel right away and headed to the beach. After a meal I got a Thai massage right on the beach. It was so relaxing to listening to soft crashing waves and music echoing mildly from surrounding restaurants and bars. I met two Australians at a beach bar. There were fire dancers. It was cool! We ended the night at another place...sipping on children's sand buckets filled with vodka, Coke and Red Bull.

I spent the next day on the beach. I chose a random place to eat and I stayed in the same seat just doing nothing for hours except eat and drink. I dropped my camera in the sand then it would not open so I had to take pictures with a disposable camera. The following day I returned to Bangkok to catch my flight back to Korea. All in all it was a marvelous experience.


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