Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Great Wall of China – October 5, 2006

These pictures are a long time coming. If you can believe it, I can get lazy from time to time. Hard to imagine, eh? This trip to Beijing was such a long time ago. It was a 4 day tour from Oct 4 to 7. I’ve gotten a lot of requests to see some shots so here are some from each place we visited. I went with Mike but Dai was also on a tour that stayed at our hotel so we crossed paths quite often.

Climbing the Great Wall was so amazing! It was packed with people. Some places were really steep. I was expecting a semi-flat hill but it was all steps that seemed to never end. All in all an awesome leg workout that I’ll never forget.

One of the shots is with a random Chinese guy. I called the shot ‘celebrity’ because throughout the climb we would get stopped and asked to have our photos taken with other tourists. It was kinda cool - “Wow, look! A black guy!”


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