Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Singapore & Malaysia 2006-2007 - Little India & Chinatown

Over the Christmas break I went to Singapore and Malaysia with Thom. The whole trip was awesome. We made sure to make complete use of our time off work. We got off at noon on December 21 and our flight left at 4pm that day. We arrived back at 6am on January 2 and had to be at work by 9am. It was great to get away from the stresses of work and living in Seoul.

Our intentions were not to be super touristy but rather to do as much nothing as possible. There was plenty of time spent relaxing on the beach and just lying about. Well that’s enough talk, on to the pics.

We spent a few days shopping in the Little India and Chinatown districts of Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. On the third last day of the trip, our bus driver drove off with our backpacks still under the bus. So we spent twice as much time shopping as we should have trying to replace the stuff we lost. (Nothing too important was gone, just cells, clothes and souvenirs).


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