Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Singapore & Malaysia 2006-2007 – Malaysia – Pangkor Island Beaches

We spent quite some time on the beaches of Pangkor Island. Our first night was at Nipah Beach. It was alright, a bit busy though. However, a short 5 minute walk away was Coral Beach which was so much better. It had great sand with very few people.

We also stayed at Pasir Bogak Beach. The first two nights we slept in tents on the beach….not the most comfortable, but everywhere we went was full or just charged too much. We eventually got a room on the third day at this beach.

We also took a day trip to a small unfrequented beach, Teluk Segadas. The taxis only went as far as the small village/town that was nearby. We walked for 15 minutes, got directions from some Malay kids then had a 10 minute trek through the woods to get to the beach.

Every beach we went to was nice. We were a bit surprised that there were so few tourists. We were expecting to be elbowing for room, but we always had loads of room, some times the whole beach to ourselves.


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