Sunday, January 29, 2006

Dongdaemun Market - January 29, 2006

Today, Mike and I went to Dongdaemun. There is a market area there but since it’s a holiday weekend, a lot of the shops and stalls were closed. The soccer stadium that was used during the world cup was full of stalls selling everything from clothes to knives. I’ll definitely have to come back when I have some cash.

Everything else is going pretty well. Our school gave us all some gift certificates for Lunar New Year, I got my Korean account bank card and I have most kitchen utensils I’m going to need. Although I’m counting down the days until I get paid. I know the money’s going to be gone in no time, seeing how I have to get some big items like a couch, table, and other stuff for my place. No complaints though.

The area I live in is really great. It’s right by Itaewon, which is a major foreigner hangout district which is a blessing as everywhere we go there are English speakers. But it’s bad in that I’m not really forced to mix with Koreans all that much. But I’m determined to not make this experience like Poitiers where I stuck almost exclusively with an English speaking crowd. It would defeat the point of coming here.


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