Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Lunar New Year – Korean Folk Village – January 30, 2006

Today we went to the Korean Folk Village right here in Seoul for some Lunar New Year celebrations. The place was bustling with a lot of people arriving with their families. Quite a few of them were dressed in traditional Korean dress. The village had some buildings that displayed how Koreans lived way back in the day. It was pretty interesting.

There were a bunch of papers tied to lines on some poles so we just assumed that they were New Year’s resolutions and wishes people had put up there. So we added our wishes for the New Year there too. There was a drum troupe that performed on the main stage. It was very cool. For about 30 minutes they beat their drums, symbols and pipes while twirling ribbons attached to their head pieces. They ended with some stunts with their drums and some acrobatic balancing stuff.

Leaving the village we saw a stall selling some bugs…..so naturally we bought some. It was nasty! I only had one and threw the rest away. I think they were silk worms. Trying new things is what it’s all about but I have to say that I won’t be eating another worm any time soon.


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