Monday, February 27, 2006

February Flew By So Fast

The last couple of weeks seem to have just flown by. I feel a lot more at home in my appartment now. I retrieved a couch from the trash, yummy. I also bought a computer desk and chair, a microwave and a drying rack. So far I've done my laundry once. I'm kinda going for the once a month deal. The microwave is in Korean so I still need to figure out what all the buttons mean.

Earlier this month we had a school trip to KBS (a TV station). I hiked around an area with Buddhist temples and toured Seodaemun prison which is where the Japanese held and tortured Koreans before they gained independance.

I finished the Korean alphabet class that I was taking. It's kinda cool to know how to read the language. March is the beginners’ language class. So I'll get to learn some basic everyday phrases. I also started doing a language exchange with a Korean guy named Joshua. We meet up once a week and half the time he teaches me some Korean and the other half of the time we have a conversation to help his English. I'm going to try and do a Salsa or Tango dance class in March. I really don't want to end up sitting at home all the time after work.


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