Monday, February 27, 2006

Gyeoung Ju – February 24-25, 2006

The Friday of this weekend that just pasted was a half day so I had planned a trip to Busan with Amara for the weekend. We didn't really plan much of the trip, except Amara mentioned a hostel she found so we made reservations.

We arrive at the train station and get in a cab to head to the hostel that is supposed to be less than 5 minutes away. 15 minutes later we’re wondering where the taxi driver is taking us. We finally realized that we had reservations in a completely different city. A 70,000 won cab ride and 1.5 hours later we arrive in the city of Gyeoung Ju!

It turned out alright though. We decided to stay the night and went on a bus tour the next day. It was really fun. We saw lots of historic sights, temples, museums, etc. It was really nice to get out of the city for some countryesque air.


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